by IrgTBuehrer | Sep 14, 2024 | Athletes in Business, Entrepreneurship, Startup
Athlete Founder Mode — much like athletes, founders should trust their instincts and remain deeply involved in their companies, even as they grow. > In Silicon Valley’s ever-evolving landscape, the concept of “Founder Mode” has gained traction as a powerful...
by IrgTBuehrer | Feb 18, 2024 | AI, Athletes in Business, Entrepreneurship, Startup, Transition
As athletes transition from the world of sports to the realm of business, they encounter a landscape vastly different from what they’re accustomed to. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and virtual assistants can significantly ease this transition....
by IrgTBuehrer | May 24, 2023 | Career, Career after Sports, Competencies, Entrepreneurship, Kompetenzen, Skills, Startup, Transition
Where do I fit in? Can personality traits of athletes lead the way? Would Elon Musk also have had the potential to become a professional athlete? What else can we expect from LeBron James as an entrepreneur? And do the parallels in the mindset of entrepreneurs and...
by IrgTBuehrer | Oct 17, 2022 | Career, Career after Sports, Competencies, Entrepreneurship, Startup, Transition
In order to pave the way for athletes in companies that value their backgrounds, permanent employment in predefined positions is not always the most promising first step. Especially for professional athletes who are still active or in transition from sports to life...
by Kathrin Steinbrink und Irg Torben Buehrer | Sep 5, 2021 | Entrepreneurship, Karriere nach dem Sport, Skills, Startup, Transition
Nach den Olympischen Spielen enden mit dem heutigen Tag auch die Paralympics. Herausragende Athlet*innen haben über Wochen außergewöhnliche Leistungen erbracht. Persönlichkeiten standen im Fokus, die über Jahre und Jahrzehnte ihre Leistungsfähigkeit entwickelt haben,...
by IrgTBuehrer | Jun 23, 2021 | Career after Sports, Competencies, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Skills, Startup, Transition
Athletes experience extreme situations in their sports careers that they have to evaluate in fractions of a second in order to be able to make decisive decisions in competitions. The Handelsblatt once asked: Are athletes the better managers? The insightful article by...