by IrgTBuehrer | Feb 18, 2024 | AI, Athletes in Business, Entrepreneurship, Startup, Transition
As athletes transition from the world of sports to the realm of business, they encounter a landscape vastly different from what they’re accustomed to. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and virtual assistants can significantly ease this transition....
by IrgTBuehrer | Jul 17, 2023 | AI, Career, Entrepreneurship, Skills, Transition
The realm of business is witnessing a remarkable shift as elite athletes endeavor to extend their reign beyond the sports arena. Their prowess, honed through years of dedication and discipline, presents a promising prospect for the corporate world. Nonetheless, the...
by IrgTBuehrer | Oct 17, 2022 | Career, Career after Sports, Competencies, Entrepreneurship, Startup, Transition
In order to pave the way for athletes in companies that value their backgrounds, permanent employment in predefined positions is not always the most promising first step. Especially for professional athletes who are still active or in transition from sports to life...
by IrgTBuehrer | Apr 22, 2021 | Career, Career after Sports, Entrepreneurship, Karriere, Karriere nach dem Sport, Startup, Transition
Olympische Spiele, Europameisterschaft und die Welt der Startups. In Asien gefeierter Badminton-Spieler, in Deutschland der dominierende Athlet des vergangenen Jahrzehnts im Badminton: Marc Zwiebler im Interview über die Parallelen und Unterschiede im Leben als...
by IrgTBuehrer | Sep 2, 2020 | Herausforderungen, Karriere, Karriereende, Kompetenzen, Vorbereitung, Wissenstransfer
Der ehemalige Basketball-Profi und Nationalspieler über seine Transition-Erfahrungen und die unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen auf (ehemalige) Athlet/innen in den USA und Deutschland. Heute ist Chris in der Karriere nach dem Sport angekommen und nach Gartner, Florida nun...