Nice alternative, but athletes want more – even after their careers as top athletes. Starting a business, investing in projects themselves, are possible paths for active and former athletes – UPDATE JUNE – Athletes as investors – How do they do it? Do they need to understand the business they are investing in? And, fundamentally, what does it take to be successful? At our seminar (in cooperation with the University of St. Gallen and leAD Sports & Health Tech Partners), the Program & Marketing Director of leAD, Nathalie Sonne and the Principal & Co-Founder of the ADvantage Fund, Alexander Bente will introduce you to the world of leAD Sports & Health Tech Partners.
Investing in startups or starting your own business is tempting. You read about all these athletes investing in companies or founding startups themselves during their sports careers. What does it take to make good decisions in the process?
A serious business starts where you begin to understand what you ́re doing. Or to put it another way, athletes don’t need to become experts in a business, but they do need to be able to ask the right questions. This requires, first, a basic understanding of the business and, second, an ecosystem and network that can generate valuable answers to questions that arise.
This is what our lecturers like Wolfgang Jenewein, Jan Marco Leimeister or Stefan Sander, other experts and investment professionals stand for. We accompany you on your journey to start promisingly and to make investment decisions on a solid basis.
Top-Notch Speakers II
We ́re excited to haveNathalie Sonne and Alexander Bente with us to show you a glimpse behind the scenes of leAD Sports & Health Tech Partners. As Program and Marketing Director, Nathalie has supported startups such as Wingfield, Skill Yoga, Phlex, NESTRE and more in developing and becoming successful. By the way, many of these startups were also founded by former athletes.
Alexander Bente is a principal and co-founder of the ADvantage fund – a fund created to continue his great-grandfathers legacy of innovation in sports by investing in early stage sports tech companies on a global scale. Alex and his team of investors, entrepreneurs, and athletes share one common goal: Backing technologies fundamentally reshaping how we watch, play and experience sports.
Our team is complemented by investment experts who, for example, prepare you for the evaluation of pitch decks and investment opportunities and provide you with background knowledge on the analysis of projects and different investment approaches. More on this in the next update.
Entwickle dich weiter, werde Unternehmer*in, gründe dein eigenes Startup oder investiere erfolgreich in spannende Projekte.
Seminar in Kooperation mit der Universität St. Gallen und leAD Sports & Health Tech Partners.
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> Athlet*innen und Startups im StartupValley
Unser Beitrag “Athleten können auch Startups” im Magazin StartupValley 07/2020